Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are a class of puzzle games that solve various puzzles by analyzing and processing the information or plot that appears in the game and uncovering clues. Unlike puzzle games, most of the works in this category pay more attention to plot and character building than puzzle games, and the built-in puzzle forms are more flexible and varied than smaller puzzle games, and the graphics are more sophisticated. Puzzle games usually exercise the coordination of the gamer's brain, eyes, hands and other organs in the form of games, and appropriate games can enhance their logical and analytical ability and thinking agility.

This category of puzzle games focus on exploring the unknown, solving puzzles and other plotted and exploratory interactions, emphasizing the discovery of story clues and mainly testing the player's observation and analysis skills. Most of them are based on the theme of tracking the clues set in the game so as to solve the final riddle of the game, the plot is generally more gorgeous, the graphics are beautiful, the difficulty is large or small, most of them are single-player games, in which Minigame elements are numerous and varied.

Puzzle adventure games are further divided into two categories: text/image adventure puzzle games and action adventure puzzle games. Most of the most common puzzle games can be categorized as image adventure puzzle games.